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The information on this entire website is reviewed with the necessary care by the services of Clinical and Experimental Neurology of the UZ Leuven/K.U.Leuven. Because of the rapid evolution of the covered matter, there remains a possibility that the information is not completely accurate. That is why the services of Clinical and Experimental Neurology of the UZ Leuven/K.U.Leuven renounce every possible liability for inaccuracies. When the services of Clinical and Experimental Neurology of the UZ Leuven/K.U.Leuven are notified of substantive errors or an incompleteness, they will correct the error or add the missing information as quickly as possible.

The offered medical information or medical advice is only general. Advice is not directed to individual persons and can by no means replace a diagnosis and/or therapy by a physician. That is why you are advised to consult a physician if you were already about to do so or if you think this is appropriate after reading the offered information.

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